What is Energy Recovery Ventilator? 

Energy Recovery Ventilator (ERV) is differnt from air purifier, which only purify the indoor air and cannot improve ventilation problem. 

It is rare to open a window for long time under Hong Kong living environment. Only using air purifier cannot solve the problem of lack of fresh air and high level of indoor carbon dioxide. 

ERV allows 24-hours ventilation without opening windows! It introduces and purifies fresh air from outdoor, and exhausts indoor polluants simultaneously. It can also keep more than 80% indoor temperature with used with cooling/heating machines. 

Why do you need ERV? 


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of people are inhaling air containing high concentration of pollutants, and the deaths caused by air pollution is as high as 7 million people every year.

A survey collected air quality data from various places in 2019 to understand the air pollution status of more than 3,000 monitored countries and cities. Using PM2.5 suspended particles as air pollution indicator to rank the performance of 98 countries and regions. The higher the ranking, the more serious the pollution problem. Hong Kong ranks 44th on the list, with a PM2.5 concentration level of 20.3 micrograms per cubic meter, which is about double the WHO standard.


Some people may think that the impact of air pollution is limited to a few countries or areas, but this is not the case.

According to WHO, 7 million people who died of air pollution, and about 3.8 million people were caused by indoor air pollution.

Common sources of indoor air pollution include smoking, burning incense, cooking fuel, renovation works,  furniture and decoration, sprays and cleaners, fragrances, paints, carpets, photocopiers, etc.

It will affect health if a person live in a confined space for a long time. In mild cases, dry throat, itchy nose, and sore throat may occur. In severe cases, it may cause various cancers, cardiovascular diseases, and developmental disorders.


Carbon dioxide accumulates in a high population desity room or poor ventilation room. Therefore, carbon dioxide concentration level is regarded as an important indicator of whether the indoor air quality is good or not.

Oxygen content in indoor air should be maintained at 21%, and the minimum acceptable level is 18%. Once the indoor carbon dioxide concentration is too high (i.e.over 1000 PPM), it will cause shortness of breath, headache, drowsiness, poor reaction and fatigue,etc..

Taking sleep as an example, a person generally inhales 300ml of oxygen and exhales 250ml of carbon dioxide per minute. When you turn on the air conditioner and close the doors and windows in summer, the indoor carbon dioxide concentration will seriously exceed the standard after one night!


Retaining 80% of indoor temperature and humidity, which helps to reduce temperature change caused by ventilation. 

It also keeps the energy consumption extremely low. Even if it is used for 12 hours a day, the daily operating cost is not more than $1. The air-conditioning load has been greatly reduced, and the ventilation problem has been solved and improve comfort.


Common household ventilation equipment has scattered functions such as ventilation, filtration, and temperature regulation. Compared with air purifiers, exhaust fans, and air conditioners, ERV integrates above functions into one machine. It is perfectly hidden in the false ceiling, which is decorous and does not take up living space!

The main function of ERV is to supply and filter fresh air with the purpose of improving air quality and circulation for every rooms.   

  x   No fresh air supply

  x   No temperature regulation 

Air purifier is only filtering the polluants in a speaific area. It cannot maintain air circulation.

  x   No fresh air supply

  x   No purifty

  x   No temperature regulation 

Exhaust fan draws indoor cold air out. It will increase the load on the air conditioner and also the electricity bill.

  x   No fresh air supply

  x   No purify & ventilate 

Air conditioner is only circulating air under indoor environment without external exhaust and ventilation.

Using with ERV, the temperature and humidity of fresh air will be get closer to indoor atmosphere.